Winter scene of several Snowtrekker Tents set up in the snow with mountains in the background

winter wonderings

Snowtrekker Tents and Tales
Winter Camping Rendezvous January 2024
Join Snowtrekker at the Kickapoo Valley Reserve for the Winter Camping Rendezvous January 11th through the 14th. The Kickapoo Valley Reserve (KVR) is a large nature reserve and outdoor recreation area located in southwestern Wisconsin encompassing 8,600 acres of land...
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Getting a Perfect Stove Set Up in a Snowtrekker® Tent

Here's how to set up your tent stove to work at its most optimal performance.

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Winter Camping Symposium 2019
The purpose of the Winter Camping Symposium is to educate, collaborate and celebrate everything Winter! Winter campers and enthusiasts from around the region come together to share ideas and show off new creations which aid in the adventures of winter outdoor activities. From cold camping to hot camping, from kite sailing to building your own stove, from arctic adventures to sleeping in a quinzee in the backyard, from gear swaps to a chili feed, this event covers it all! Join us for a long weekend of camaraderie and exploration!
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