Duane and Margot Lottig on a dock with a seaplane

Meet the Creators

Duane and Margot Lottig

The Story of Snowtrekker Tents - A Family Legacy

Duane and Margot Lottig have always cherished the outdoors and the land. Starting as dairy farmers in Wisconsin, they chose a different path by farming with draft horses. Eventually, they sold the farm and moved with their three sons to NW Wisconsin in 1992. They spent summers canoe-camping in Canada and winters hot-tent camping across the region. Unable to find a suitable winter camping tent, Duane decided to make his own using a commercial sewing machine.

Thus, Snowtrekker Tents was born in their garage, becoming an integral part of their family's life. As the business grew and the Lottigs aged, they dreamed of passing Snowtrekker to their sons. Today, Jonah manages operations, Eli manages production and media, and Noah handles tech and design.

Snowtrekker® Tents provides heatable canvas tents, or "hot tents," allowing you to enjoy camping comfortably even in the harshest environments.